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针对作文素材这一问题威廉希尔app 为您整理了手机销量下降导致三星利润下降,欢迎阅览!

It made a net profit of 6.25 trillion won ($6.1bn) in the April-to-June period, down from 7.77 trillion won a year ago.

When compared to the previous quarter, its profit was down 17%.

Samsung is the world's biggest maker of mobile phones and the handset division accounts forthe bulk of(大多数) its profits.

"The second quarter was affected by several factors including the slow global sales of smartphones and tablets and escalating marketing expenditure to reduce inventory," the firm said in a statement.


Currency factor

Meanwhile, a stronger Korean currency also hit Samsung's earnings during the period.

The Korean won rose more than 11% against the US dollar and nearly 7% against the euro between July 2013 and end of June this year.

A strengthening currency hurts profits of firms such as Samsung - which rely heavily on exports - when they repatriate their foreign earnings.

Samsung said a stronger currency "amounted to about 500bn won in missed revenues".

上文就是威廉希尔app 给您带来的手机销量下降导致三星利润下降,希望可以更好的帮助到您!!



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