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精选小学生英语作文大全:The Goal of Study



英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章;是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,本文就给大家分享了精选小学生英语作文大全:The Goal of Study

精选小学生英语作文大全:The Goal of Study

Every student has his goal of study.Some have a great one but some small.To some degree,a goal determines your success in the future.People who have a great goal can probably acquire a big success in his future,while the people who have a small goal may gain asmall one.Meanwhile,the time we set our goals is another important factor.The earlier we have our goals,the more easily we can reach them.Therefore,it's of great importance to set a great goal when we are very young.Hower,having a goal doesn't mean we can succeed in no time.We still have a long way to go.The next step we should take is to put our goals into action.Maybe we meet with manydifficulties,we mustn't stop or give up.We should keep on going,struggling against all kinds of trouble or problems until our goals are hit!!

Fellow students,let'go and hit our goals!!!

这篇精选小学生英语作文大全:The Goal of Study,就为大家呈现到这里,希望能对大家有所帮助,希望大家暑假过的开心。


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