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五年级寒假英语作文:The Advantages of Travel Alone



本文是一篇五年级寒假英语作文,题目为The Advantages of Travel Alone ,文章表达了作者对独自旅行的喜爱之情,下面就让我们一起来欣赏全文吧!

五年级寒假英语作文:The Advantages of Travel Alone 

I like to travel to different places, I can see the beautiful scenery and get to know the different cultures. My friends and I always travel together, we make many plans in advance. But the plans will always be interrupted by all kinds of unexpected incidents, like the bad weather, the holiday being cancelled, so we have to spend another time to wait for the trip. Traveling alone can ignore these problems, I can go to travel whenever I want, I just need to pick up my backpack, and then buy the ticket. It is so free, I don’t have to wait for others, I can go to the places I want to. Traveling alone is good.

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