zhen of beautiful huang wei of of of elementary school of new bay of rustic my birthplace is extremely beautiful! everywhere branch numerous xie mao, mao linxiu bamboo, the road of country is uneven, after rain during springtime passes, the seeper in pothole is in of sunshine beamed fall to resemble gem showing brilliance commonly, road both sides is growing lofty covert, covert stays in partial sunshine keep out, sunshine the spot like can overhand star, be in fairy tale world personally among them on foot in. midday, sun fierce part of the day, old people sleeps in the home, but lively jump again leather children run in cool river water to swim however, sprinkle that sparkling water, below blue sky, river water is clear see an end, water of that dark green lake is glittering and translucent and bright, resemble the mirror of one side beauty, resemble gem again dazzling in that way, in river water, fish in lively swim, they are much joy! dusk, i lie in shiny green grass, look at a sky, at this moment the sun already stopped a ray, became the big disc of a gong gong, look really lovely. he resembles the child's face, lie is worn the mouth, resemble a big rubber ball, offend so that we burst out laughing, final sun is happy jump, hide west hill backside, leave light light only. ! the scenery of home town is much more beautiful!
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