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小学生英语作文:学生公寓里的电视机(TV Receivers in Students Flats)



Nowadays an increasing number of students' flats have TV receivers installed in them. TV presents a vivid world in front of tudents.

Boys could enjoy sports games at will. Some programs help students recharge (再充电) their knowledge and keep them abreast of(跟上) modern developments. TV receivers enrich their learning life. Obviously, students are not free from any troubles. Some students are addicted to(沉溺于) TV. TV receivers in some flats are still on late at night or never turned off on weekends. Some students spend much spare time watching TV programs, which is seriously interfering with their responsibilities at school. Still some students' eyes are getting worse.II63.com In my opinion, moderation (适度,适可而止) is the key to everything including watching TV programs.

I would not recommend that students try to eliminate TV receivers totally from their flats. However, we need to strike some kind of a balance between the TV programs and school studies. Learning to successfully manage time at a young age will definitely pay off in later life.


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