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小学生英语作文:怎样改变坏心情(How to Change a Bad Mood)



We all experience bad moods occasionally,for it is impossible to be happy all the time.We may feel sad or pessimistic,even angry with the whole world,when we are in a bad mood.This sis normal,but it iis important to know how to change our mood.The first step is self-awareness.

We must recognize our bad feelings before we can do something about them.It is no use trying to ignore them.Instead,we must make the decision not to be a sourpuss. Once we have made up our minds to cheer up,it is time to take action.One thing we can do is exercise.Physical activity is stimulating and can lift our spirits.It is the best therapy there is.Another way to improve our mood is to find something fun to do.We can indulge in something we enjoy,such as movie or a trip to the park,or buy ourselves a special treat.Finally,we can seek out a loyal friend.A good friend will listen to our complaints,and his companionship will make us feel better.

In conclusion,bad moods are inevitable.We are bound to experience them,but that doesn't mean we have to let them continue.We are in charge of our thoughts and feelings.If we can take the steps above,we will be able to beat the blues and change our attitude.


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