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Mother, you not only in the study up to encourage me, help me, you are still concerned about all my life, my love.

On one occasion, I do not know how are going on? Suddenly about a stomachache is particularly severe, then, has many 21:00 minutes, and you recklessly put me to the hospital to check, first child Branch, the doctor said that checks do not come out, or go to gynecology. you said to the doctor: my daughter is only thirteen years old, so how can small to gynecological go? You are not the diagnosis was wrong ah. "you are for me almost and doctors quarrel again. And, you again I go to the gynecological examination, the doctor said: "Nothing, it is very normal, every girl would have, as long as the drinking water can be the brown sugar." At that time, I saw You are Khan haired, mother, thank you for what I was doing.

Mother, your daughter's eyes are at a tree for me. Mother, you like a spring in the sun, gave me a dazzling; you like a summer breeze of the ray, gave me fresh; you like a red in the fall, often feeding with me; you like the one in the winter fire, the warmth of my mind.

Mother, you are in my heart the most beautiful, I will always think of you, read you. I love you! Mother. Finally,

I wish you: good health! Business is booming!every day! Happy the United States had a good second!

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