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威廉希尔app 为同学们搜集整理了高中英语作文范文,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


We live in a world full of competition. And the examination is one of the tools to exam whether we meet the standard or not. If we want to enter the key university, we have to get high marks on the College Entrance Exam;if we want to have a good job, we will go through a series of interviews and tests;If we want to drive a car, we have to pass the driving test. Some people complain that there are too many exams in our lives, and these exams cannot truly or fully reflect a person’s ability. Unfortunately, our fate and future are depending on these exams. We cannot avoid them. 我们生活在一个充满竞争的世界。而考试,是检测我们是否符合要求的工具之一。如果我们要进入重点大学,我们就得在高考中获得高分;如果我们想要找份好工作,就得通过一系列的面试和考试;如果我们想开车,就得通过驾照考试。一些人抱怨生活中有太多的考试,而这些考试并不能真正全面的反映一个人的能力。可不幸的是,我们的命运和未来都取决于这些考试。我们不能摆脱考试。 It’s true that the examinations can only test what we remember instead of what we know. A student with a good memory may find it very easy to get high marks before the examinations. All he needs to do is to remember the knowledge from the textbooks. In this situation, it’s quite unfair to evaluate the students only through exams. What’s more, some unexpected accidents may happen to the students such as a high fever or a sudden headache; this will affect the final marks. Since no one can performs stable all the time. 考试能检测到的只是我们所记得的,而不是我们真正了解的知识。一个拥有好记性的学生会发现在考试之前拿高分是件很容易的事情。他所要做的就是把课本上的内容记住。在这种情况下,仅仅通过考试去评估一个学生是不公平的。更何况,一些意想不到的事情可能会发生,例如考生可能会发高烧或者是突然的头痛。这样会影响到考试的结果。毕竟没有人会一直保持稳定状态。 Sometimes, luck plays a vital role in the examinations. The student may guess an answer right although he doesn’t work hard on the course. If the student has a good handwriting, he may get higher marks than others. There are many subjective factors that may affect the outcome of the exams. 有时候,运气也在考试中扮演重要角色。没认真学习的学生也有可能猜对答案。如果考生写得一手好字,那他的分数也有可能会比其他的同学高。很多主观的因素也会影响最终的分数。 In a word, it’s not enough to use exams to evaluate the students. If the schools want to assess the students, they should

高中英语作文范文是不是很好呢?同学们在欣赏的同时也要注意积累知识,多写多练,这样才能更好的提高自己的水平,威廉希尔app 伴你成长!


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