怎样提高自己的写作能力一直是大家所烦恼的一个问题,只有不断练习才会有进步。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了400字高中年级暑假英语作文,希望大家阅读愉快。
i have 83-an year-old grandmother who is among the young at heart. she is as happy and gay as her youngest great-grandchildren. her health is still very good.
carrying her baskets of food, she often walks to distant temples to pray. although she cannot read and write, her mind is as quick and shard as a youngster. often i have noticed that my grandmother sees a joke attitude very smallest things around her.
her attitude toward death is both reassuring and thoughtful. she is full of animation and excitement when she talks, especially about the past. her life is one of simplicity, independence, generosity, and trust because she is young at heart.
上文就是威廉希尔app 给您带来的400字高中年级暑假英语作文,希望可以更好的帮助到您!!
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