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作文是很多同学发愁的事情,威廉希尔app 的小编特别为大家准备了【优秀的高中暑假英语作文1000字】,希望大家认真阅读。


in recent years, more and more people are seeking for stimulations. this social phenomenon has also spread widely among us students. last week, it was our class' turn to clean the school campus. this time, in order to arouse our enthusiasm for the labor, our classmaster announced that those who attended the labor would get some kind of material rewards①. although everyone knew the rewards would be unimportant in terms of money, two thirds of the students in our class attended the labor, as they felt they got a kind of stimulation from it. how unimaginable it was! why should such things happen? many years ago, it was regarded as an honour to serve the people and society. but in recent years, although society, science, and technology have been greatly developed and our living conditions have been improved, some people feel lonely and spiritually② empty. while seeking personal interests and fame, they have become much more self-centered. finally they lose touch with the collective③. they only do things that can benefit themselves. by and by they feel lonely even with a lot of material comforts. this is why they must seek for more stimulations to cheer up themselves. seeking for material stimulations is not a proper way to get rid of loneliness. a better way out is to care more for the collective and others. only by this means can they get back what they have lost by avoiding social activities.

for us young people, besides our studies, we also need collective activities.in taking part in these activities, not only can our lives be enriched④, but we can also train our sense of collectivism and thus be spiritually rewarded. so why don't we also look for some spiritual stimulation, fellow students?




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