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优秀的高中暑假英语作文700字:Lovely Autumn



以下就是威廉希尔app 为同学们搜集的优秀的高中暑假英语作文700字资料。希望同学们学习进步。

优秀的高中暑假英语作文700字:Lovely Autumn

autumn is the season i like best because it is neither too hot nor too cold and because i can go hiking in the countryside.

the sound of golden yellow leaves crackling beneath my footsteps make me rejoice.

oh! how wonderful it is to be with nature again!

the few wild flowers still growing in the autumn certainly look lovelier than the summer ones. they are not so colorful, but in my eyes, they are more serene and charming than the rest.

nature is around, and i can feel her smiling sweetly at me. how i wish autumn would never leave me. but this is a wish which will never come true, for seasons never stop changing.

the beautiful blue sky with fleecy clouds can be seen through the bare branches of the trees, which seem to grow high enough to meet the heaven.

to feel the rain dripping down my face and neck and washing away the signs of summer from nature is splendid. then, at last as the rain becomes too heavy, i'll go to find shelter in my private corner where i keep my special findings of autumn, to help me remember that autumn is wonderful, beautiful and lovely, and not at all bleak and lonely and bare.

上文就是威廉希尔app 给您带来的优秀的高中暑假英语作文700字,希望可以更好的帮助到您!



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