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高中年级暑假英语作文1000字:About friends
i think everyone needs friends. a friend is just like a soft wind, or rather a beautiful beam of sunshine. to be exact, he can give you many things you want. when you are happy, you can share your happiness with your friends; when you are not happy, your friends will also can to help you.
your friends may be of many different kinds. some of them may play happily with you; some others may have a pleasant talk to you, and of course you may talk to some of them hear to hear. we can’t say which kind of friends we need most, as each kind is necessary.
once i got an old saying which goes like this: “friends are thieves of time”. i wondered. i couldn’t understand it exactly, as i thought it was a joke that friends had something to do with thieves. then i asked my foreign teacher about it. she told me that was because someone thought everyone work most of the time, and friends might take up your time, so they were thieves of your time. i thought it was funny. i even wanted to ask them, “don’t you think you are happy when you are staying with your friends? isn’t happiness an important thing?”
if one lives without friends, i can’t imagine his life in the world. and if one has good friends, even only one, i think he may be the luckiest one in the world.
以上就是由威廉希尔app 为您提供的高中年级暑假英语作文1000字,祝学习进步。
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