威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理了高中年级暑假英语作文1000字。希望大家可以认真阅读。
高中年级暑假英语作文1000字:The Man of Great Importance
many years ago a group of soldiers were busy repairing a ruinedbridge. the work was directed by a corporal, who thought he was a very important man and so he gave his commands in a very loud voice. the men were trying to get a wooden log to the top of a mound, but they were not strong enough. one more pair of arms, and the work would have been easy. yet, the corporal did not offer to help in any way. he simply stood and shouted his commands.“now, you fellows,” he shouted,“put you backs into it! don't stand looking at it----move it!”
a gentleman dressed as a civilian, who happened to be walking by, stopped and watched, and then asked the officer why he did not help.
“do you know who i am, sir!”asked the officer, with indignation and astonishment.“i am a corporal.”
“oh!”said the other. “i beg your pardon, i am sure.”
then the newcomer threw off his coat, and going to the little group of men, helped them, so that the log was soon in position. the corporal did not even thank the gentleman for his help, but as the civilian put on his coat again, he said quietly:“the next time you have a task of this kind in hand, sir, and have not enough men, just send for me and i will come and help.”
“may i ask your name?”asked the corporal.
“yes, sir,”replied the gentleman,“my name is george washington and i am commander-in-chief of the army. goodbye, sir.”
the civilian walked away, and the corporal stood still, unable to say a word.
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