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高中暑假英语作文1200字:Wuhan-A Beautiful City



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高中暑假英语作文1200字:Wuhan-A Beautiful City

located in the middle of china ,wuhan is a good place for tour is ts.it is a pleasant city with beautiful lakes,many parks and modern malls which are worth v is iting.they all are waiting for you.

hubei province is called“a province with thousands of lakes”.the east lake in wuhan, much bigger than the west lake in hangzhou is as beautiful as the west lake. the best way to experience the east lake is to take a boat tour. it must be memorable.

walking along the chang jiang river is perfect . while walking on the bridge, you can get a view of three parts of wuhan .it is really a feast for the eyes.

hankou is wuhan's commercial heart.there are many modern skysckyscrapers there. it's a shopper's parad is e. the famous business street is called jianghan road.yon can enjoy the local special food and explore the lively nightlife.

despite its size and modern look, wuhan has still kept its old traditions and culture. yellow grane tower has a long h is tory.many poets wrote pretty poems for it. some temples,such as guiyuan temple,represent archaic religion.if you are interested in h is tory, hubei museum is a good choice.you can learn about the art ,h is tory and culture of city.

there is no such thing as a bad time to go to wuhan.each season has its character is tic. whenever you come, there are plenty of activities to choose from.wuhan is a friendly destination that welcomes tour is ts of all ages. a trip to wuhan will give you a glimpse of the happy lifestyle of the people of wuhan---who are known for their big hearts and friendliness.you are sure to have a good time in wuhan.

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