威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理了高中生暑假的英语作文300字范文。希望大家可以认真阅读。
高中生暑假的英语作文300字范文:A Peaceful Cabin
my sister and i spent last christmas day at our aunt's cabin.
although it takes only half an hour to drive there from our home. we don't go there very often. to me the place is like another world. it is very peaceful. my aunt owns 20 acres of woods with a little stream running through it. the cabin is surrounded by hills and the stream flows before it. the cabin is very small, maybe only half the size of a classroom, just big enough for a couple to live in. water from the stream can be used for washing only, because the people living upstream often made the water too dirty to drink. drinking water has to be brought in from another place.
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