以下就是威廉希尔app 为同学们搜集的高中生暑假英语作文250字资料。希望同学们学习进步。
高中生暑假英语作文250字:Health in Summer
Health is an eternal topic.so we should pay more attention to it,Especially in the summer.
In summer, people need to pay special attention on it. Otherwise, they will get ill easily. In such high temperature, if people don’t pay attention to their health, they may get sunstroke. But if they often eat the food that can decrease internal heat, they will have less chance to get sunstroke. In addition, in summer, people always have hot temper because of the hot temperature. And it is easy to feel tired. So, they need to have enough rest to adjust themselves. In a word, people need to pay special attention in summer to live a healthy life.
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