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作文频道小编为大家寻找了高三年级优秀英语作文选集:LearningEnglish的资料。如有帮助,希望大家下次一定要浏览威廉希尔app 。

Nowadays, English has become a universal language. To overcome the language barriers is not difficult, if we have a good command of English. A man who speaks English owns a valuable tool of communicating with others throughout the world. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important for us to learn English well. There is no short cut to learning English. The mastery of English can be brought about only by daily study and incessant drill. The more we practice it, the more progress we will make. Since early childhood, I have begun the learning of English. However, I am still not good at English. Because English is not my mother tongue and because I usually use Chinese in my daily life, I have little chance to practice English. No wonder I make poor progress in the study of English. Although I find English difficult to learn, I still keep up interest in English. I will do my best to learn it well, for I think a good command of English will be helpful to me in the future.

上文就是威廉希尔app 给您带来的高三年级优秀英语作文选集:LearningEnglish,希望可以更好的帮助到您!


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