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以下就是威廉希尔app 为同学们搜集的高中年级的英语作文:减肥的方法资料。希望同学们学习进步。

In recent years, the number of people who try their best to lose weight has been increased, especially female. However, some people are so desired to be slim that they get some disease. So there is no doubt that it is important to find scientific and functional ways to lose weight. Here are some tips which can be followed.

First, have an optimistic attitude towards your weight and you should believe that after some efforts you will lose weight. Do not too long for being slim because it is a process and nobody can succeed during one night.

Second, it is essential to keep on a diet. Going on a diet in a scientific way will do something good for your final goal. For instance, enrich the breakfast and eat less at lunch and dinner. Besides, eating some fruits and more vegetable is helpful.

Third, do regular exercise. Regular exercise will not only make you healthy but also provide you a good mood. Remember, doing regular exercise is one of the most important tips for losing weight.

So these are three tips for losing weight and they will do well in losing weight. If you follow them, you can achieve your final goal sooner or later.

上文就是威廉希尔app 给您带来的高中年级的英语作文:减肥的方法,希望可以更好的帮助到您!


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