威廉希尔app 作文频道为各位同学准备了高中年级的英语作文:节能小费的资料。希望大家认真阅读。
As a result of greenhouse effect and global warming,everyboby is to save energy and reduce the release,even Prince Charles.The following tips may be helpful.
.To save electricity,please turn off the lights when leaving the room.
.Save a minute when you're taking a shower.Switch off the water when using soap.
.In summer,turn up the air-conditioner by one degree.In winter,turn it down by one degree.
.Better cut off the power after you turn off your computer and any other electrical appliances when leaving.
.It's advisable that you install a solar hot water supply system if you live on the top floor.Although it cost some money,it will prove money saving.
.It's suggested that you collect all the empty bottles and waste paper,and have them recycled
.Swarch the Internet for more information about carbon release reduction tips.
Let's save energy so that we can prevent this planet from becoming another Venus or Mars!
以上就是由威廉希尔app 为您提供的高中年级的英语作文:节能小费,祝学习进步。
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