As students go to college, they have more time to do what they want, without parents’ supervisor, they are much free than before. Some students keep pets in the dormitory, they think it will bring them a lot of fun in the part-time. As for me, keeping pets in the dormitory has many disadvantages.
First, the pets is stuck in the dormitory, they don’t have enough space to take activity. In the college, one of the school rules is about keeping the pet, it is clearly to point out that keeping pet is against the rule. So pets are not welcomed in the campus, students have to let the pets stuck in the small space, the pets lose freedom. What a miserable thing.
Second, even the students make up their minds to keep pet in the dormitory, they have to take care of the pet, like to take a shower, to deal with the pet’s shit and to drive away the terrible smell. All of these questions are not easy to solve, most students only want to keep the pets, but not to think about the caring problem.
Keeping pets in dormitory is not allowed in the school, what’s more, students can’t take care of themselves well, let alone to take care of pets.
以上是由威廉希尔app 为大家整理的优秀的高中生的英语作文:宿舍养宠物之我见,如果您觉得有用,请继续关注威廉希尔app 。
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