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250字左右的高中英语作文:Go on vacation



I’m a student who live in a big city. I stay at home everyday when I live in the city. The air of the city is not blue, it’s black! No birds, no cloud or no trees. The river is too dirty to no fishes. Those make me feel very sad. When I see those, I want to do nothing. Luckily, I’m going to a beautiful village that has big trees, birds and clean water. When I heard this news which makes a person feel excited. In the village, I can be close to the nature. That makes me feel happy and excited. I can go fishing. Look at the mountain, there are many green trees and birds. My heart likes to fly with birds and swim with fishes.

I think, if we live in a beautiful village, I can live to 100 years old and feel happy everyday!250字左右的高中英语作文:Go on vacation


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