这篇高中英语作文精选:三八妇女节 march 8th--international women's day 希望大家认真阅读,好好感受,勤于思考,多读多练,从中吸取精华。
Today is march 8th--international women's day.Father wanted to please mother and let her have a good rest. He said he would cook the meals today.In fact, he is always busy with his work and knows nothing about housework. he seldom cooks. if no one cooks for him, he will eat nothing
So mother and i were very surprised to hear what he said. But father was serious, and he said he was going to do some shopping first. he didn‘t know what to buy. so mother wrote all the things on a piece of paper
1.cake 2.egg 3.tomato 4.fish
1、蛋糕 2、蛋 3、西红柿 4、鱼
5.milk 6.salt 7.chicken
5、牛奶 6、盐 7、鸡肉
then father went out. half an hour later he came back, with a smile on his face. he brought out all the things: one cake ,two eggs,three tomatoes, four fish, five bottles of milk, six bags of salt and seven fat chickens!
mother was greatly surprised. she couldn't say a word.
高中英语作文精选:三八妇女节 march 8th--international women's day 是不是很好呢?同学们在欣赏的同时也要注意积累知识,多写多练,这样才能更好的提高自己的水平,威廉希尔app 作文频道伴你成长!
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