威廉希尔app 为大家准备了关于中学生的高中英语作文:学会学习 Learn to Learn 希望同学们的写作水平更上一层楼。
Darfur once said that, “The future of illiteracy is no longer illiterate people, but did not learn how to learn.” In the future world, everyone has to face the contemporary issue that learn to learn, which is the key to the lifelong learning as well as the permit to the era of knowledge economy.达尔富尔曾经说过,“未来的文盲不再是不识字的人,而是没有学会如何学习的人。”在以后的世界,每个人都必须面对当代的一个问题,那就是学会学习,这是终身学习以的关键也是知识经济时代的要求。Firstly, having an aim is the premise of learn to learn. The goal is the direction of learning, only when you set up a goal can you have motivation. Secondly, autonomic learning is the foundation of learning. Study is a lifelong task. When we stay in school, we have teachers teaching. But after we graduate, we have to learning independently, and atonomic learning seems particularly important. Thirdly, scientific learning methods are the keys to learning, which conductive to cultivate and improve a variety of learning abilities so as to improve learning efficiency. Finally, make plans for your learning. 首先,有目标是学会学习的前提。目标是学习的方向,只有当你设立目标的时候你才能有动力。其次,自习是学习的基础。学习是一生的任务。当我们还在学校的时候,我们有老师教我们。但是毕业后,我们不得不独立学习,自习似乎也相当重要。再次,科学的学习方法是学习的关键,它有助于激发和提高各种各样的学习能力,从而提高学习效率。最后,为你的学习制定计划。
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