威廉希尔app 作文频道为同学们搜集整理了高中英语优秀作文精选:鲁迅 Brief Introduction of Lu Xun ,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!
Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Shuren, was China's famous writer, thinker, critic and revolutionist. He had high literary achievements and he was the pioneer of modern Chinese literature, having profound impact on Chinese literature after the May Fourth Movement. His novels have been translated into many language versions and were made into movies. For instance, The True Story of AH Q(《阿Q正传》) and The New Year's Sacrifice(《祝福》)profoundly exposed the problems of the old society. President Mao spoke highly of him. Some of his works were elected to the middle school and college textbooks. It's very beneficial to read Lu Xun's works.
欣赏完这篇高中英语优秀作文精选:鲁迅 Brief Introduction of Lu Xun ,大家是不是觉得写得荷很好呢?如果你觉得自己也跟他写的一样好,那么,就来投稿吧。
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