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高中英语作文精选:成为自己的朋友 To Be a Friend of Yourself



威廉希尔app 为大家准备了高中英语作文精选:成为自己的朋友 To Be a Friend of Yourself ,希望同学们的写作水平更上一层楼。

Referring to friendship, we often focus on building relationships with others and we always forget the essential first step:being friends of ourselves. This is the most important first step if you want to have good relationships with others. How can you be friends of others if you are not friends of yourselves?


To be a friend of yourself, you should always care about yourself and be kind to yourself. To be a friend of yourself can help you better understand your friends around you and bring more happiness to you and your friends. Others may not know every thing about you and they can't always pat attention to you, so you have to do these things yourselves. You must be good to yourself when your friends are not around you. Sometimes, it's yourself who can pull you out from trouble or upset.


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