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高中英语作文:暑期工作 Summer Job



威廉希尔app 为大家准备了高中英语作文:暑期工作 Summer Job ,希望同学们的写作水平更上一层楼。

Summer has come and I have been enrolled in a good universtity. For the first time, I have a totally free summer holiday. I have vistied to Guangzhou a couple days ago. Before the summer holiday,I planned to have a job during the holidays. Luckily, I foundone in a travel agency. My city is famous of its beautiful scenery, so there are many tourists visiting here. It is also a populariry forforeigners. I learn English very well in senior school, so that I am specially responsible for the reception of foreign tourists. I introduce my city's history, current situation, beautiful scenery,culture and life to them. Most of them are intereted here very much. We communicate a lot and they tell me about their stories to me.


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