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2013高中英语作文:兴趣是最好的老师“Interest Is the Best Teacher



威廉希尔app 作文频道为同学们搜集整理了2013高中英语作文:兴趣是最好的老师“Interest Is the Best Teacher,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

It’s well known to all that interest plays an important role in one’s life.An old saying goes: “Interest is the best teacher.” I quite agree with this idea. I began to be crazy about English when I was a little girl. I got interested in foreign cultures and customs in particular. To meet my curiosity, I read English stories everyday. It seems to be the best “meal” of a day. As a result, I make great progress in English learning. Interest is the key to success. A person who is interested in something will devote himself to it. Meanwhile, a big miracle will be made.


欣赏完这篇2013高中英语作文:兴趣是最好的老师“Interest Is the Best Teacher,大家是不是觉得写得荷很好呢?如果你觉得自己也跟他写的一样好,那么,就来投稿吧。


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