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高中英语作文精选:爱比金钱更重要 Love Is More Important Than Money



威廉希尔app 为大家准备了高中英语作文精选:爱比金钱更重要 Love Is More Important Than Money ,希望同学们的写作水平更上一层楼。

When asked money and love which one is more important, different people have different ideas. As for me, love is more important. My reasons are as follows.


First, money cannot buy true love. The girl who firmly stated on a TV dating show that she would rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bicycle is just a case in point. From this point we can see that, no matter how rich people are, they cannot buy true love.


Second, love is above wealth. "Naked" wedding or "naked" marriage is a hot topic these days. More and more young people begin to marry each other without a big property. In these cases, love is more important than money.


To sum up, love is far more important than money. Provided that we lose wealth, we may regain it by working hard. But if we lose love, it will be impossible to make up for it.


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