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高中英语优秀作文精选: How to Write a Good English Composition



威廉希尔app 为大家准备了高中英语优秀作文精选: How to Write a Good English Composition ,希望同学们的写作水平更上一层楼。

In the English skills, writing is almost the most difficult for students, so many of them are afraid of writing. It’s true that writing a good composition requires higher level skills than listening or speaking, but there still are some effective tips to make it good. Firstly, you should clearly know what you are going to write and the focus on you topic and then make an outline. Secondly, pay attention to the spelling and grammar. They are not very difficult, but make many students confused, especially the grammar. Don’t let these little problems affect your writing. Thirdly, use some phrases appropriately and combine long sentences with short sentences to make your composition sound better. Finally, ensure the depth of your composition. Do not make people feel that you express nothing although you write a long length. Anyway, practice makes perfect. Only the practice help you do well in writing and make progress.


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