威廉希尔app 作文频道为同学们搜集整理了关于劳逸结合的高中英语作文: Fatigue and Rest ,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!
In our modern society, competition has been increasingly intense, especially in large cities. Therefore, people are forced to work much harder than ever before, so that they have much less time to have a good rest. Rest seems a kind of luxury to them. However, I strongly disapprove of the behavior that spending most of time in working and having no rest. I think it’s the high intensity of work that makes rest important and necessary. There’s a saying that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. From my point of view, the dull are both in physics and spirit. Without a good rest, no people can pay all his attention to work and do it well. Therefore, people should learn to combine work and play which helps us go further.
欣赏完这篇关于劳逸结合的高中英语作文: Fatigue and Rest ,大家是不是觉得写得荷很好呢?如果你觉得自己也跟他写的一样好,那么,就来投稿吧。
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