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高中英语优秀作文:假如我是老师 If I Were a Teacher



威廉希尔app 为大家准备了高中英语优秀作文:假如我是老师 If I Were a Teacher,希望同学们的写作水平更上一层楼。

Sometimes, when I am listening to the teacher, I can’t help thinking that if I were a teacher, what I would do. If I were a teacher, I would walk into the classroom with a warm smile very day. I know teacher’s mood have great impact on student, especially their enthusiasm towards study. If I were a teacher, I wouldn’t leave students much homework. Too much homework may have negative impact on students, even resisting going to school. Besides, I want them have some spare time to do what they want. If I were a teacher, I wouldn’t have a preference for the high score students. On the contrary, I would pay more attention to the relatively poor students. I think they need more help and encouragement. If I were a teacher, I wanted to try my best to be a friend of my students. In spare time, we can talk to each other or join some activities together. I don’t act as a serious teacher that students are afraid of. I think a teacher like friend would be much more helpful to students.


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