这篇关于英语教学原则的高中英语作文: Principles for English Teaching希望大家认真阅读,好好感受,勤于思考,多读多练,从中吸取精华。
As a teacher, we must have love and patience. We should be equal to every student. We must take every student sincerely and friendly.
As far as I know, children don't have the purpose to study. They learn perhaps they feel happy, so we must be their guide. We should make sure that everything we teach them is correct.
What's more, children are not good at analyzing the language rules, so we don't teach them grammar. We should teach them how to pronounce, how to communicate with others in English, and how to write in English.
By the way, children are so imaginative, active and creative. They like doing things with their hands. So we should create a real atmosphere, so as to attract their interests.
At last, children need to be encouraged rather than criticized. Therefore, we should praise them more when they perform well, so as to make them more confident. When they make mistakes, we shouldn't blame them so angrily. Instead, we ought to be patient enough to educate them with moral words.
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