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有关学校教育的高中英语作文:Should Sex Education Be Taught At School?



这篇有关学校教育的高中英语作文:Should Sex Education Be Taught At School?希望大家认真阅读,好好感受,勤于思考,多读多练,从中吸取精华。

Most people in China think it’s an embarrassing to talk about sex, they think it a sensitive topic. That’s the reason why schools don’t impart this king of knowledge to students. However, in my humble opinion, the sex education can not be waited.


Why do youth need sex education? Most teenagers get the HIV virus or sexually transmitted diseases because of having sex with an infected person. They can avoid any risk of HIV or STD if they have learned how to protect themselves. On the other hands, teenagers’pregnancy rate in China is astonishingly high. According to the survey, more than a million teenagers become accidentally pregnant each year. Now,this situation becomes serious.


In my opinion, sex education is absolutely essential. The schools have the responsibility to teach students to have the right attitude towards the gender issue. Taking about sex is not a shame. It is not embarrassment. The question is no longer whether sex education should be taught, but rather how it should be taught.


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