威廉希尔app 为大家准备了2013高中优秀英语作文精选:消除贫困 Eradication of Poverty,希望同学们的写作水平更上一层楼。
There is a festival in the world called International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. It falls on the seventeenth of October every year. The reason why this festival exists just as it is serious in the reality life. In present days, although more and more people are enjoying a better life, there are still some people in the situation of poverty. It is an emergency that needs people to solve as soon as possible. In my opinion, there are several aspects people should realize. First of all, the rich should help the poor. They can donate some money to them or provide some job opportunities to them. Otherwise, the gas between the wealthy and poor will be bigger. Secondly, the government should publish some policy to help the poor to escape from poverty. Last but not least, the poor people should try their best to fight for themselves. After all, the best people can help you is yourself. If we can eradicate poverty one day, the world will be more beautiful.
2013高中优秀英语作文精选:消除贫困 Eradication of Poverty是不是很好呢?同学们在欣赏的同时也要注意积累知识,多写多练,这样才能更好的提高自己的水平,威廉希尔app 作文频道伴你成长!
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