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高中英语作文:Bicycle or car



【摘要】英语作文的练习对大家英语写作能力的提高非常重要,同学们一定要多记多写。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了高中英语作文Bicycle or car,欢迎大家阅读。

Bicycles and cars are both important vehicles. The car is fast and the bicycle can be easily parked.

Bicycle or car, which do you prefer The Americans and the Chinese usually have different choices. The Americans prefer the car because they have been brought up together with the car. They go everywhere by car. But we Chinese like bicycles better.

First of all, it is very cheap, which is very important to people in a developing country. Secondly, it is much smaller than the car, therefore, it is easier to find a place to park it . And thirdly, it doesn't make any pollution, so it is good to our environment.

总结:小编为大家整理的高中英语作文Bicycle or car就到这里了,同学们掌握了吗?希望对大家的学习有所帮助。


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