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Darling Mother:

Hello! You How's it going? Business is booming?

Today is International Women's Day, this very moment, I tell you out here: Happy holiday! Mother. As time went rush-like, from the sorts of language study has become one of my big kids, and I at the one day grow up and you have one every day in aging, wrinkles climb a section of your face . Whenever I, you always share with me pleasure; whenever my sad sad, you always comfort me, coaxing me happy; whenever my birthday, you always take me to play, no matter how busy you ; when the New Year, you did not forget to give me the total buy new clothes.

People talk about the world there is a thick book, are never read a never-ending, it is motherly love. Are unselfish motherly love, motherly love are great, there is motherly love children are the happiest. Mother, you remember? Me there is an examination of the 80 test only a few minutes, back home, I dared not put the scores of papers tell you, when each swallow to say when exports go, and after a while, Ifinally told you go bold Score: mother, my exams test only a fraction of the 80, this moment, I fear that you are angry, however, expected a call that you are not angry, but the teachings of my Say : "After all, this is why the new materials, it does not matter for long." my mother saw that he felt regret not test well, at that moment, I am determined, I must study hard to fight for my lost scores to recapture.

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