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初中描写妇女节英语作文:the Women's Day




初中描写妇女节英语作文:the Women's Day

Today is "March" Women's Day, I want to do several things to help his mother, let her have a happy holiday.

At noon, I came home and found the table already filled with delicious food, but just could not see her mother. Suddenly, I heard a sound of laundry to the laundry and saw the stage, my mother was washing clothes. I said: "Mom, you go to eat, I'll wash. Because today is your holiday, I want to make you happy." "Are you okay?" Mom asked, smiling. "OK," I said. Mom went to eat doubtfully.

I picked up the sleeves, took out a piece of clothing, wet with blisters, and then cast soap, then rub hard. Yeah rub rub, rub my hands are red, but there are still a little greasy clothes, do not rub clean. I had to rinse with a brush, then rinse well with water and the clothes clean. I washed some clothes, my mother came, looked at me hard to look like, my mother smiles, so happy, so happy.

Evening, I rush to help her mother wash the dishes, I washed dishes placed neatly. Mother looked, smiled and said: "So this is Yao Yao gave me holiday 'gift'!"

Although I am more tired than usual today, but I am very happy because I let my mother had a happy holiday season.

Memorable day - dedicated to the Women's Day Mom

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