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开学计划的英语作文:a new level




开学计划的英语作文:a new level

Time flies, I have two grade friends! I'm so happy! Of course, the beginning of a new semester, vying for a comprehensive development of qualified young pioneers in the class, to be disciplined, listen carefully and actively think for enthusiastically raised their hands to speak; exam to overcome the shortcomings of careless; school home, and earnestly fulfill teacher assignments, and then to preview tomorrow will be learning new content; love the team but also care about the class, to help others, and common progress and students; reading some more meaningful reading materials to increase knowledge, broaden horizons; help mom and Dad to do some of those things。 Of course! Still insist on physical exercise, strong body。

The new plan for my new semester, second grade, I was confident I! I will be trying to board a new level。

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