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优秀初中英语作文:真正的公主 The Real Princess



应广大考生需求,威廉希尔app 为广大考生朋友收集精选了一些优秀范文,这篇优秀初中英语作文希望对大家的学习有所帮助!

优秀初中英语作文:真正的公主 The Real Princess

In parents’ eyes, their daughters are princess, so every girl has the dream of being a princess. But most girls are spoiled by their parents, they become impolite and lazy. The word “princess” seems to be a bad word to describe a girl. I saw a real princess in the live show, she is very innocent, though his father helps her to fulfill her princess dream, she never acts arrogantly. The girl is also helping other people to finish their task. She is like an angel and everybody likes her. In my eye, a real princess should look like this. The good characters makes a person stand out, we see the beautiful soul.




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