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初二英语作文范文:New Year_500字



不少同学在问了,作文怎么写?今天,威廉希尔app 为您整理了初二英语作文范文,希望能为大家的学习带来帮助。

初二英语作文范文:New Year_500字

New Year is coming.We have some resolutions to improve ourselves.

Linda is going to take up playing the violin.She will join the violin club and practice it.She also wants to keep healthy.So she will eat more fruit and vegetables.Tom’s resolutions are making more money and making the soccer team.To do those,he wants to get a part-time job and practice soccer every day.I have some resolutions,too.I will get better grades.So I will study more hard to do that.

I think I can keep the promises and improve myself.



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