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初中三年级的英语作文600字: Visiting My Friend



作文是很多同学发愁的事情,威廉希尔app 的小编特别为大家准备了初中三年级的英语作文600字,希望大家认真阅读。

初中三年级的英语作文600字: Visiting My Friend

We couldn' t believe that it was a village. The buildings for the farmers were very beautiful, the streets were very clean and there were many flowers in front of the houses. In the middle of the village there was a school with a wonderful building and a large playground. All the children in the village study there.

The farmers got richer by planting vegetables and raising silkworms. In their houses there were colour TV sets, fridges,washing machines, new furniture and even motorbikes. All these showed the farmers' life was getting better and better.

The great changes had attracted foreigners. Today some of them would come to visit it. We were happy for the farmers. We hope the farmers will be richer and happier.



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