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有关初二英语作文范文:A sad story



一提到作文很多同学就特别发愁,让威廉希尔app 来帮助大家吧,小编带来这篇有关初二英语作文范文,希望大家认真阅读。

有关初二英语作文范文:A sad story

Last Monday when I stepped into my classroom, my monitor told us that our class teacher, Mr Sun, had passed away in a traffic accident. It seemed so unbelievable because he used to give us lessons on Monday morning. I couldn't accept the fact until the headmaster came to tell us the truth.

Mr Sun was a middle-aged teacher. He was full of sense of humour. We all liked him very much because of his excellent teaching. His lessons were usually very lively and interesting.We all liked to attend his class. He was an experienced teacher.

Mr Sun will always live in our hearts!



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