写好作文对于每位同学来说都是至关重要的,只有写出好的作文,才能为以后的成长奠定良好的基础。因此,威廉希尔app 的小编在这里为大家整理了关于初中英语作文,希望大家可以从中受益。
Last month I went to Beijing to visit one of my friends, because we haven’t seen each other for about two years and I got a holiday meanwhile. It is my first time to visit Beijing, which is always the dream city for all the Chinese. All the information about the city came from the books and TV, now I could see and get know of it by myself, how excited I am!
There were so many tourist areas in my plan list, like Tian’anmen Square, Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Perking University and so on. However, due to my short holiday I only visit several places of my list, with my friend’s companion. I will take a long tour to Beijing next time if I have the chance.
由威廉希尔app 为您提供的关于初中英语作文,希望能给同学们带来来帮助,愿您能取得优异的成绩。
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