怎样提高自己的写作能力一直是大家所烦恼的一个问题,只有不断练习才会有进步。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了初中年级暑假英语作文400字,希望大家阅读愉快。
初中年级暑假英语作文400字:A Day to Remember
it was sunday. our teacher mr zhu led us to a park nearby.usually we go to the park to spend our holiday. but today we went there to take part in voluntary labour.
we got there at nine o'clock. mr zhu divided us into three groups and then we began working.the students in group one planted trees and watered flowers. the studentsin group two were busy collecting litter left by the tourist. they also cleaned the benches in the park. i was in group three. we went to the children's playground and cleaned all the equipment there. we worked very hard.
at about eleven we finished working. we met at the gate of the park. we all felt tired but very happy.
上文就是威廉希尔app 给您带来的初中年级暑假英语作文400字,希望可以更好的帮助到您!!
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