作文是很多同学发愁的事情,威廉希尔app 的小编特别为大家准备了初中生暑假英语作文300字,希望大家认真阅读。
初中生暑假英语作文300字:I'll Always Be a Chines
my name is zhao xiaoxi, but they call me niuniu at home. iwas born in taiyuan,china,but i moved to montreal,canada with my parents two years ago. it is far from my motherland, but i always think i am a chinese. i have yellow skin and black hair. i'm proud of being a chinese.
sometimes i hear someone say something bad about china, and i will become angry with him or her. i am a clever girl. my parents are both clever. all the people i meet in china are hardworking and clever. i hope china will be stronger and stronger. and i hope that i'll return to china soon to visit my mother's parents, my father's parents, my uncle and aunt, and my elder sister, who is studying in taiyuan.
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