作文是很多同学发愁的事情,威廉希尔app 的小编特别为大家准备了初中暑假英语作文范文700字,希望大家认真阅读。
初中暑假英语作文范文700字:first i in home
last week saturday, daddy has gone to work, mother also went to the bookstore to buy the book, kept me at home.
i discovered an extracurricular book to read first. is reading in the enthusiasm, hears suddenly “thump” knocks on a door the sound. i am scared: who can be? i remembered beforehand mother to say to me: “the stranger knocks on a door cannot open the door casually.”therefore i treat the wrong side of the door to askloudly: “who looks for?”
only hears the wrong side of the door the human replies: “i look for dr. deng.”
originally knocks the wrong gate! i replied loudly in the room: “found fault the gate, dr. deng in building.”
the wrong side of the door person said the sound “sorry”, walked.
i also read two stories, then i discovered the toy to play. i have played entirely the toy box in toy, mother has not come back. the toy played has sufficed, i turned on the television to look. in television's program has been too splendid, i looked looking at steadily, when does mother open the door went home not to know.
this is the my first time alone in home's experience.
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