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初中生暑假的英语作文范文350字:我不快乐(I was not happy)



以下就是威廉希尔app 为同学们搜集的初中生暑假的英语作文范文350字资料。希望同学们学习进步。

初中生暑假的英语作文范文350字:我不快乐(I was not happy)

one day, i went into my house. i played computer games. that game was “the house of the dead”. i said: “maybe it was very easy”. the game began. i saw some old houses. then a headman came to hit me. i shot him with a gun. he was died again. i was afraid. later on, i killed many dead men, but i died once. finally, i saw a very very very big monster. it hit me. i shot it at once. but i failed. i thought it was very hard. i began to shoot its head. but i failed again. i began to shoot his body. i shot its body many times, the monster died in the end. i don’t like this game. because the dead men was ugly and horrible.

i began to play another game: dune 2000.i completed many mission. i was happy.

but, at that time, it was one o’clock; i must went to school to learn olympic maths. i don’t like it. because, i must learn it two hours! i don’t like it!

so, i was not very happy that day.

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