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700字初中生暑假英语作文:A Happy School Trip



威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理了700字初中生暑假英语作文。希望大家可以认真阅读。

700字初中生暑假英语作文:A Happy School Trip

classmates had a good time yesterday because they all went to chimelong paradise . all the students got up early. they took many things from their home such as drinks, bread, milk and money. i didn’t go to chimelong paradise, because i think it is boring. i don’t like going there with classmates . but i like going there with my family.

i heard from my friends that chimelong paradise is a very interesting and exiting place. there are many intense rides there. in the north, there are happy kingdom, kids’ land and children’s world! in the west, you can see the 10-inversion roller coaster. many people like riding it. but many people don’t want to ride it again because it’s too scary. after the ride, people are usually filled with apprehension. next, my friends went to whirlwind island. there, many rides are turning, turning, turning, so people who ride them feel dizzy. the last place is water world. you can “take a shower”there. people who rode this ride looked cool because they were all wet. all the people could enjoy themselves.

my classmates were very happy because they had a good time in chimelong paradise. they want to go there again this summer vacation, and so do i.

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