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hobbies are activities in which people participate for amusement. a hobby can be almost anything. music, sports, collecting stamps, cooking, keeping pets are enjoyed by millions of people. regardless of his age, position or income anyone may follow a satisfactory hobby. it goes without saying (不言而喻) that hobbies add fullness to life.

those with fascinating hobbies need not worry about what to do with their newly found leisure hours. every hobbyist may tell some unforgettable and rewarding experience. rare object collectors could find value in collections that go a half step beyond the conventional. a sound hobby can help you develop a certain skill. you may start as an outsider and end as an expert.

people take up hobbies because these activities offer knowledge and relaxation. turning dull moments into delightful ones, hobbies can let out emotions, reduce tension. by slipping into a fantasy world hobbyists avoid troubles around them. therefore, they usually keep a healthy mind and a sunny character. in a sense a hobby is more like a special lifetime companion. hobbies paint daily life colourful.

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