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初中年级暑假英语作文500字:Mr Thomson汤姆森先生




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初中年级暑假英语作文500字:Mr Thomson汤姆森先生

Mr Thomson is a very kind person.He is sixty years old.His children left home many years ago,and he misses them very much.Yesterday he posted a birthday card to his youngest son.He does this every year.To pass time,Mr Thomson like to go walking along the street.Sometimes he sees a baby in its mother's arms and smiles at it.Sometimes he helps boys and girls cross the street.Sometimes,when children have come home from school,he's very happy to play with them,A boy named John is ill today.He has to stay at home instead of going to school,but he doesn't feel lonely because Mr Thomson will come to see him and he will bring him some interesting story books.John and his classmates always say,"Mr Thomson is the kindest person in the world."

以上就是由威廉希尔app 为您提供的初中年级暑假英语作文500字,祝学习进步。



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